Welcome to
Royal Oak Primary School
Principal's Welcome

A sincere and warm welcome to Royal Oak Primary School’s website and to our inclusive and friendly school. We have a beautiful school with a history of over 75 years. We enjoy a reputation for very good academic outcomes, a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and a committed and caring multi-cultural community.
Our vision is Manaaki, Whakaute, Whakamana “Care, Respect, Empower”. Our mission statement “Creating a broad range of opportunities for curious, critical thinkers who continue to learn and make a difference in their world” is also practised and catered for in all school operations and events.
We have two teaching teams. The Royal Acorns (Year 0 to 3) and the Royal Oaks (Years 4 to 6). We have a strong support team working with our students who require special educational programmes. This is a feature of our inclusive school. In addition we provide English specialisation for children who speak English as their second language.
Children are provided with authentic, playful learning programmes with regular use of IT to challenge and extend. Our specialist music teacher ensures outstanding music throughout the school and our string programme is second to none. A range of sporting and fitness programmes are available. Environmental Science and STEM programmes are also a feature of the school. Children learn both Te Reo and Mandarin from Year 2 and up.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and welcome your involvement in our school life.


Friday, April 11
- End of Term 1
- All Day
Monday, April 28
- Term 2 Starts
- All Day
Friday, June 27
- End of Term 2
- All Day
Monday, July 14
- Term 3 Starts
- All Day
Friday, September 19
- Term 3 Ends
- All Day
Monday, October 6
- Term 4 Starts
- All Day

ROPS Connect

ROPS Connect 2021 Wrap
https://safeshare.tv/x/HvmDDVqPQFA# – ROPS Connect Oaks https://safeshare.tv/x/dJKYIvLvBDM# – ROPS Connect Acorns